Friday, March 18, 2011

"Where to Begin'

    One night, day or dawn you get this great idea to write a book about something that has made a difference or impact on your life.  But, if you are like most people it just stops there.  How do you carry on? --  you need to write down your idea right away on anything you can find - notebook, steno, used printer sheets, a chalkboard, dry erase board, whatever-- don't let a creative thought slip away.  I carry a small notebook with me all the time to jot down creative ideas when they come to me.  You have to capture them immediately or you won't remember them!  Then copy it into a word document.
     You do not have to start your story at the beginning.  You can start with an event that prompted the idea: A person who has that magnanimous personality that should be a literary figure:  Write about it or them and there your are - you are started!
     You can build your story around that little morsel of meat.  Reflect on your life, listen to conversations of strangers; focus on how they express themselves when in a conversation with someone they are very comfortable with.  The most important bones to a good book - its skeleton - is that the story was meaningful enough to someone to write it down. It will not only make your soul grow, it will have a profound effect on many souls throughout the world!
     Listen to Kurt Vonnegut's letter of response New York Xavier High School in 2006:

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